Professional iOS native Application Complete App store

Design an athlete

Create your own athlete by selecting various body and muscle types, enter into choosen event and email your creation.



This iOS application which runs on both iPhones and iPads is a todo list and a task manager. One can attach images and audio recordings to tasks. And also set alarms and make the tasks trigger when goto a certain place. With tight intergration with Google docs to synch to-dos to your google docs account. You can find out more about the app from Appple app store link.

Technical Details

Languages C, Objective-C.
Libraries iOS SDK, Core Data, Core Location, Google Docs API.
Tools XCode, iOS simulator, Instruments
My contribution I was responsible for about 90% of the core iPhone code base including intergration of Code Data and Google docs. A junior programmer later joined the project to update the app for iPad and maintain the project and give technical support.
